Do you think you need dental insurance? Whenever I sit down with my clients, and they ask about it, first thing I ask them is this. How often do you go to the dentist? Unlike your health, your teeth can be a little more predictable. If you haven’t gone to the dentist in 20 years because you have great teeth I think I can speak for everyone else in the world and say (We hate you) IM KIDDING! However bad teeth are a very difficult issue do deal with, the pain the eating on one side of the mouth ect. But if you go to the dentist a lot. Or have an issue with your teeth once or twice a year you might want to get it.
I tell my clients its like this. Have you ever went to Las Vegas, and got sucked into one of those “we will give you a free show if you come to our seminar” only to get conned into buying a timeshare you cant get out of. A lot of us have done it. Here is the punch line. The people who like there time share are the people who use it. If you go on vacations and use the amenities and make good memories you will love it. And in turn the people who strongly dislike their time share, money will be coming out if their bank account every month like a leach. That in turn reminds them of their fiscal irresponsibility, impulsivity and how much that timeshare just flat out pisses them off.
Dental insurance is almost the same way. You have to find a dental insurance that is built for use. What I mean is get a plan that you know you will get your free cleanings done twice a year. Some of them bundle in vision and free exams and refractions. There are plenty of companies that will say you can use it after a year of paying premium. Those are not built for use(they suck and will piss you off). What boggles my mind is someone who has the dental insurance and never uses it.
Lastly don’t wait to the last minute to go to the dentist. When my wife and I were first married we didn’t have any coverage at that time and really the only time we went to the dentist was when she needed major stuff done and unfortunately we would just usually settle on pulling teeth. If you have a plan that pays for 100% of cleanings. USE IT! For your teeth sake and for everyone else.