Health Insurance
Know your options!
Health Insurance
Know your options
Affordable Health Care Act
You've Probably heard the term "On exchange" the "Health Insurance Marketplace" "Obamacare plans" well these are private health insurance companies under contract with the government to offer health insurance through the governments terms and conditions. In other words in order to operate and participate they have to play by the rules. These plans (depending on your income and when you sign up) are subsidized. This means you can get a discount or rather get help to pay those premiums (monthly amount). For instance lets say the insurance could cost $500 a month total for the person. The premiums could get reduced to $50 a month due to a persons income the government pays $450 and you pay $50. If you want to check call us or click the link 9282403281
Short Term Plans
These plans are geared toward consumers between situations. Also they are great for people who need to find an alternative to Obamacare. They have deductibles and copays. You have to answer health questions.
Indemnity Plans
These pay a cash benefit for services. Some pay the doctor directly. This is a great alternative to Obamacare especially if you are in the higher income bracket. You can customize your coverage you what your needs are to keep premiums down. You do have to answer underwriting questions (health questions).
Health Share Plans
Mostly Christian based. Have no promise to pay. Has underwriting questions.
For a complete list of available plans, please contact 1-800-MEDICARE (TTY users should call 1-877-486-2048), 24 hours a day/7 days a week or consult www.medicare.gov.
Please note that each insurer has sole financial responsibility for its products.
Not connected with or endorsed by the U.S Government or the federal Medicare program.
This is a solicitation of insurance A licensed insurance agent/producer may contact you.
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